Kartra Documentation Technical Documentation for Kartra

Images Summary

This feature stores the location of any uploaded images from you as a user in a centralized location. These can be used in any of your content including pages, emails, and downloadable files.

Since all your images are now in a centralized location it should help reduce bandwidth consumption by allowing you to utilize the same image in multiple locations without the use of re-uploading it multiple times.

When accessing these images, the feature will be referred to as “User gallery” as shown here:

User Gallery 01

*Please Note:

All images you have uploaded in the past will be moved here from your previous uploads. So you may see the same image more then once. Please note that if you remove any duplicate images it may remove an image from one Kartra based content and not another and you will want to always go back and make sure all your images are up to date in all of your content.

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