Kartra Documentation Technical Documentation for Kartra


Stripe is an industry leader for simplicity and security in payment gateways. You will need to have a Stripe account to integrate it with Kartra. You can join Stripe at http://Stripe.com, it’s easy to apply for and use.

Kartra allows for unlimited gateways, even of the same kind, so you can add as many payment gateways as your heart desires. The only catch? You can only use one PayPal and one other credit card gateway per product. You can use a Stripe account that is connected to another cart as long as that cart does not have limitations of only their connection.

In order to Integrate Stripe, you will want to click My Integrations (Marked #1 Below) on the sidebar. Then you should be taken to Integrations. If not click Integrations (Marked #2 Below) in the top menu.

To make things just a bit easier, go to the drop down box and choose “Payment” (Marked #3 Below) and this will display only the four payment gateway integrations. You will see a green check-mark next to any integrations you have already set up.

Integrations Payment

Each of the Payment Gateways has their own little box. You want to click the three dots (marked #1 Below) under the “Stripe” logo. This will pull up a black menu that will look similar to below. You want to press “New Integration” (Marked #2 Below).

Stripe New

Now that you’ve pressed “New Integration” you’ll see a popup like below.

Stripe Create

Login to Stripe and go to “developers” and “API keys” tabs. (Marked #1 Below).

Click beside “Secret Key” on “Reveal test key token”. This will reveal the secret key that you need to use within Kartra. Copy the key.

Do not close your Stripe Tab. You will need it again in a moment.

Stripe Update 03

Choose Stripe from the Payment Gateway options from within Kartra.

Paste the Secret Key from Stripe via the above steps (Marked #1 Below).

Paste the Publishable Key from Stripe via the above steps (Marked #2 Below).

Press Create (Marked #3 Below).

Stripe Create

A new window will open.

You will see “Success. Payment gateway created successfully! Must Do: Now, you must put the following URL into your merchant account’s Instant Payment Notification configuration.”

Now go back to Stripe. You should still be on API Keys.

Stripe Success

If you are still on the Developers/API Keys tab within Stripe, you can just click “Webhooks” option (located below “API Keys” in the menu)

  • Click “Add Endpoint”.
  • In “Endpoint URL” insert https://app.kartra.com/notifications/stripe .
  • Select “receive all events”.  Note: this is not in the typical drop-down and is a separate choice. As shown in image:

Stripe Update 04

  • Another note: you may receive a message saying this might be too many messages and could slow down your system.  Just accept and go through the prompts, your system will not slow down due to your settings despite this warning and it can be ignored.
  • Yet another note: It appears a recent update may have removed the “receive all events” from your choices within Stripe. If that is the case you will just need to select all events in each category drop-down. There should be a select all button within each category. Just make sure everything is selected and you do not miss anything.
  • Click Add Endpoint when complete.

Now your Stripe Transactions should be communicated to Kartra!

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